@article{oai:minobu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001795, author = {槇殿, 伴子 and MAKIDONO, Tomoko}, issue = {19}, journal = {身延山大学仏教学部紀要, Bulletin of Faculty of Buddhism, Minobusan University}, month = {Oct}, note = {In this paper, I introduce what I studied from a TEFL Certificate course of OISE University of Toronto, especially concerning “the Teaching English to Young Learners.” The effective use of L1 that the course teaches may be considered significant when it comes to the role of the native Japanese teachers in the EFL classes.}, pages = {121--132L}, title = {外国語教育における第1言語の効果的使用 : OISE University of Toronto TEFL資格コースによる「児童への英語教授法」に基づいて}, year = {2018}, yomi = {マキドノ, トモコ} }